Sweet Jamaican Vendor Holding Her Basket of Coconut Goodies (Photo of the Day)

coconut drop vendor

My Jamaican minibus–from Black River to Billy’s Bay in Treasure Beach–was running late yesterday and I was in the mood for a snack. So I was glad when this particular vendor stopped by to offer me some of the goodies in her basket.

coconut drop vendor

She had regular cookies, which she said were made of coconut, and ‘coconut drops’–made of coconut, ginger and brown sugar.

How could I resist?

I got one (see photo below) and tried it.

Mon, was it good! I probably should have gotten a few.

Jamaican coconut drop

Anyway, we ended up having a nice chat. She asked if it was my first time in Jamaica and I said yes. And when I told her how much I liked it, her face lit up. As she walked away, she said, ‘God bless you.’

The coconut drops were sweet and so was she. Glad our paths crossed.

Your Thoughts/Reactions/Experiences?

Have you chatted with food vendors before? Or do you usually just make the purchase and say thanks?

What do you think of this woman? Can you see the sweetness I saw?

And have you ever tried a coconut drop? I think they’re quite sweet, but I like them anyway. Something about coconut and ginger together that’s quite nice. :)

4 Responses to Sweet Jamaican Vendor Holding Her Basket of Coconut Goodies (Photo of the Day)
  1. Maria
    January 15, 2014 | 1:52 pm

    Nice portrait and yummy snack – score x 2 Lisa!
    Maria recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Traveling with SweeneyMy Profile

  2. Hogga
    January 15, 2014 | 2:20 pm

    it kinda looks like bacon bits
    Hogga recently posted..Why Everyone Should Go Eat a PeckerMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      January 16, 2014 | 11:00 am

      Yes, it does! I wonder how it would taste if she threw a few of them in. Hmmm. Might be good.

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