Other-Worldly Sand Dune, Punta Gallinas, Colombia (Photo of the Day)

Taroa Beach Sand Dune, Punta Gallinas, Colombia

This sand dune at Taroa Beach in Punta Gallinas, Colombia, really blew my mind. It is so breathtaking and other-worldly that I just stood there for a few minutes when I first saw it. Then, like my fellow travelers, I took a few steps and left my footprints behind…

Shortly thereafter, they began to vanish as the winds hit and blew the sand over them…

Taroa Beach Sand Dune, Punta Gallinas, Colombia

Taroa Beach Sand Dune, Punta Gallinas, Colombia

Punta Gallinas is the northernmost point in South America and is off-the-beaten path, which means that there’s no one there when you visit–just you and whomever you came with. This may not be the case, however, during peak season. You might see a handful of other people. Or not. The only sounds you hear…the wind blowing and the waves crashing.

By the way, this part of Colombia is part of what is known as the country’s Wild West. Curious as to why? Stay tuned. I’ll be explaining it all shortly and doing a photo essay about it, too.

Your Thoughts/Reactions/Questions

Have you ever seen anything quite like this? If so, where?

If not, what do you think? Would you like to visit?

Also, would you like to learn more about this unique part of Colombia? Feel free to post your questions. I’ve got some posts planned including ‘tips’ for taking a tour there. It’s not the easiest place to reach and there are ways to make the trip as enjoyable as possible. I personally loved it and would definitely go again!

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4 Responses to Other-Worldly Sand Dune, Punta Gallinas, Colombia (Photo of the Day)
  1. Nick @ theboywander
    August 1, 2014 | 9:22 pm

    I’ve heard of Punta Gallinas a few times, I heard it’s really untamed out there I’m interested to see what you right about it in the coming weeks.
    Nick @ theboywander recently posted..Dear India: It’s not me, it’s you.My Profile

    • CB Driver
      August 3, 2014 | 2:49 pm

      Hey, Nick! Yes, ‘untamed’ is a very good word for it. I look forward to writing about it. It was different and I love it. PS: I love that title of your most recent blog post. Ha ha!

  2. Maria Falvey
    August 3, 2014 | 12:19 pm

    Oh you tease! Leaving me with a cliff-hanger, huh?
    I guess I’ll just have to wait, so don’t go off having too much fun and then forget us back here, waiting to know why. :-)

    Love the photo Lisa!
    Maria Falvey recently posted..Song of the ArcticMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      August 3, 2014 | 2:50 pm

      Hola, Maria! Yes, you know me–a tease. :) I promise I’ll start writing about this unique area soon. Glad you like the photo! It’s one of my faces! :)

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