To Eat, or Not to Eat, Big-Butt Colombian Ants–That Was the Question #ttot #food #Colombia

Colombian ants as snack

I’d read that hormigas culonas, ants with big butts, are a common snack in the Santander region of Colombia. After the wings and legs are removed, they’re roasted or fried.  For some reason, but  I was curious about what they might taste like…

Not sure why, either. I’m not the most adventurous eater. Sure, I once ate dog meat (in China) once, but I thought it was duck. It was a mistake. Had I known, I’m quite sure I would not have eaten it. Anyway…

I had the chance to eat these ants (species: atta laevigata) since I was in Barichara, a colonial town in Santander. I was with a new friend, a Couch Surfing host who’s from Bogotá. She loves them, so she bought a cup chock full of them. She encouraged me to try them.


I was tempted…

I had myself convinced they might taste like bacon bites or non-sweet Rasinets or maybe Goobers (with a hint of chocolate). Or burnt popcorn.

I was hoping..fantasizing…

And from a distance, they didn’t look too bad.

But when I put my glasses on and saw them up close, I began to have second thoughts. There were a few on the left that looked too much like…ants, not the movie snacks I’d hope for.

Maybe if I have a cervesa or two, I’ll summon the courage to do it.

So did I?


And I did have that cervesa.

I knew that the ants contain protein and vitamin B, so they’re sort of healthy, but that wasn’t enough to motivate me.

My friend, meanwhile, chowed down on them the way someone with the munchies eats Doritos. I wish I could have joined her (minus that sort of enthusiasm). Somehow I just couldn’t.

Ants For Food SG

Do I have any regrets?

No, not really.


Read this description of  the experience and taste:

The first loud crackle tastes and feels like popcorn, but by the time the juices spray wildly in your mouth and the filament-like legs slide down your throat, there’s no mistaking this toasted ant queen.”–USA Today

A Colombian I met today said that some of the ant (a thin shell-like piece or maybe a stray leg) sometimes stays in your teeth, like the skin of a peanut might. Ick.

By the way, eating these particular ants is a tradition inherited from pre-Columbian cultures, where they were used as gifts in weddings. according to Wikipedia. The ants, which are harvested during the rainy season, are believed by some locals to be an aphrodisiac.

Your Thoughts/Reactions/Experiences?

Could you eat hormigas culonas, the big-assed ants? Would you? And if you have eaten them, what did they taste like?

Would you eat them again?

If you couldn’t/wouldn’t, why not?

Or is a matter of having a few cervesas first? :)

17 Responses to To Eat, or Not to Eat, Big-Butt Colombian Ants–That Was the Question #ttot #food #Colombia
  1. Nick @ theboywander
    June 29, 2014 | 4:49 am

    I would definitely give them a go (so I say from the safety of me keyboard).
    Eating insects in Thailand is on my bucket list and I fly there in 3 weeks so we’ll find out if I’m all talk!
    Nick @ theboywander recently posted..Escape to ManaliMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:38 am

      Ha ha–’from the safety of your keyboard.’ Funny!

      Eating insects in Thailand is on you bucket list? Great. I’ll check in to see if you go through with it. By the way…you should check out Cyle, the Travel Geek. He ate a cockroach. He has it on video. SO disgusting, but hard not to watch. Enjoy!

  2. Tom @ Waegook Tom
    June 29, 2014 | 9:32 am

    If they were coated in chocolate, then mayyyybe I’d give it a go – and I’d have to have a crap load of soda to wash them down with afterwards! I never came across this in Colombia, but then again, I never went to the Santander region. Looking forward to reading more posts about Colombia. Guessing it’s a good time to be in the country, given the recent World Cup win! :)

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:37 am

      Yeah, I think that chocolate would make a huge difference! And a chaser. :)

      It is a good time to be here. Yesterday was so much fun–watching the match–but later on, it got really loud. People went crazy!

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:39 am

      Quick Q. What was the name of that place you went to (an island?) where you were really bored, but it seemed like a place I might like? :)

  3. Gray
    June 29, 2014 | 10:12 am

    I probably could not. Like you, I’m not an adventurous eater, and I really hate bugs. But in the moment, you never know….
    Gray recently posted..Photo Post: Woman and NatureMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:35 am

      Hi, Gray. Not an adventurous eater either? But there’s the tiny chance that you might (in the moment)? Wow! :)

      PS: I hate bugs, too.

  4. Karyn Colombo
    June 29, 2014 | 11:04 am

    Not unless I was in a survival situation! Even then …

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:50 pm

      Even then…you’d hesitate? LOL :)

  5. Tamara
    June 29, 2014 | 12:03 pm

    We’ve had those big-assed Colombian ants all right, and they’re not bad! I can get down on some insects as long as they’re fried and salted. What really grosses me out are boiled silk worm pupae. They’re so squishy and cold. Those were served as a special treat among banchan in S. Korea. I ate them to be polite, but it was not pleasant! Baby bee larvae in Japan were slightly better, but not exactly a go-to snack!
    Tamara recently posted..Food for Thought with The Crowded PlanetMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:49 pm

      You had them, Tamara? Wow. Cool! So for you, the key is fried and salted.

      Boiled silk worm pupae? OMG. That sounds like the most disgusting thing ever–maybe even worse than balut (which I will never try). You ate them to be polite? I give you a lot of credit. I may have pulled a sleight of hand and put them in a napkin.

      Baby bee larvae–not a go-to snack? That’s hilarious. I like your sense of humor! :)

  6. Laura Zera
    June 29, 2014 | 2:18 pm

    If there was nothing else to eat and I was starving… maybe. Can’t fault you for being a bock bock.
    Laura Zera recently posted..Mental Health: Dual Diagnosis and Effective TreatmentMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      June 29, 2014 | 10:47 pm

      Ha ha…starving with nothing else to eat. Yup. I get it.

      Bock bock… :)

  7. susan
    June 30, 2014 | 4:20 am

    I tried ONE (as a vegetarian even), but it took me quite a while :) Didn’t like the taste, bit stale, but I mostly tried to swallow it as fast as possible. Later I learned I didn’t have the good ones, mine still had their heads and legs, and you are supposed to eat only the butt :) Been there done it, and won’t do it again!
    susan recently posted..Een idioot groene vrouw, hond en tuktuk, op roadtripMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      June 30, 2014 | 10:30 am

      Hi, Susan. It tasted stale? Hmmm. Glad you ate it as fast as possible. That seems like the best way (if one is going to do it).

      You got a ‘bad one’? OMG. That sounds awful, the head and legs. Ew. :)

      But I give you credit for trying it! :)

  8. Adriana
    November 18, 2014 | 8:29 am

    I love hormigas culonas. I like it :)
    Lisa, you should try eating this treat

    • CB Driver
      November 20, 2014 | 11:52 pm

      Hola, Adriana! Yeah? I should try them? Maybe next time I’m in Colombia? Why don’t they sell them in Guatapé? Maybe I’d eat them there. :) xo

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