Crocodile Skin, Belize (Trippy Travel Photo 33)


I took this photo of a crocodile skin when I was in Belize on a tour, I believe. I didn’t get this close, of course, but shot it from a distance using the highest number of megapixels possible. I then cropped it.

People guessed what this was quite easily, but didn’t figure out where I took the photo.

These are the steps they took to play the game.

1. Look at the photo/study the details


2. Guess what it is and where I was when I took the photo. Check out the clues.

Clue: quite a few tourists have seen it.

Note: To be declared the winner, you’ll need to provide a solid explanation re: why you believe your answer is correct.

3. Check Back Later!

–Post your guesses here in the Comments Section (tweets and FB comments don’t count–sorry)

–Keep checking and guessing as the guessing gets good…

–See who won…maybe it will be you!

The Prize?

A mention of your name and a link to your site from within this post.

And the Winner Is…

No one. :) People came close, but didn’t go all the way with their guessing.

The Answer:

Crocodile skin.

I took the photo of the croc while in Belize. From a distance, of course. :)

Can’t get enough?

Like this game? Want to see things from a unique angle? Enjoy learning about new places? Here are all of the Trippy Travel Photos–guesses and winners–all on one page. If you like photography in general, then check out my Photo of the Day feature. You’ll find cool photos from all over the world. Enjoy!

23 Responses to Crocodile Skin, Belize (Trippy Travel Photo 33)
  1. Robert
    January 8, 2014 | 12:35 am

    The Chicky Bus driver has presented a dead easy one – this is crocodile skin!



    • CB Driver
      January 8, 2014 | 9:38 am

      Ha ha–had to make it easy. Too many complainers out there (just kidding).

      You’re right re: the croc, but you’ll need to state the country. If not, someone else will win. #Robert’slostthiswaybefore #shameisn’tit

  2. Maria
    January 8, 2014 | 7:54 am

    It’s an alligator/crocodile type of animal and you were in Mexico!
    Maria recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Soft ExplosionsMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      January 8, 2014 | 9:38 am

      Yes to croc and no to Mexico. You’re pretty warm in terms of location, however. :)

  3. Robert
    January 8, 2014 | 3:14 pm

    OK, so it’s a crocodile, Central America. There are a bunch of countries in that part of the World, so let me have a stab… Costa Rica. I looked on a map and it does have some coastal bay features on the west coast.


    • CB Driver
      January 9, 2014 | 9:55 am

      Nope–not Costa Rica.


  4. Robert
    January 10, 2014 | 1:27 am

    I note that you didn’t say “Getting really hot”, so that must mean it isn’t an adjacent country…


    Hence, I believe this croc lives in Guatemala!


    • CB Driver
      January 15, 2014 | 1:28 pm

      Guatemala is very hot! #poorJeruen

  5. Jamie
    January 13, 2014 | 4:50 pm

    Croc from…Australia? Crocodile Dundee style?
    Jamie recently posted..An Iranian Recipe – Kookoo SabziMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      January 15, 2014 | 1:28 pm

      Hi, Jamie. Great guess! :) Definitely a croc, but not quite so far away. Try again? :)

  6. Robert
    January 15, 2014 | 4:17 pm

    San Salvador! Yes, this must be it!


  7. Robert
    January 16, 2014 | 7:06 pm


    • CB Driver
      January 16, 2014 | 9:57 pm

      So sorry, Robert. No. #wonderingwhathappenedtotheoldRobert

  8. Ryan
    January 18, 2014 | 3:29 am

    Hmmm… Florida?
    Ryan recently posted..How I survived the bumbling bus from Bangkok to PhuketMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      January 20, 2014 | 5:29 pm

      Hi, Ryan. No–sorry, not Florida. It’s been narrowed down to Central America. If you check recent comments, you’ll see that another player, Robert, has guessed almost every country and lost. So…if you want to win, it would be easy via process of elimination. :)

  9. Robert
    January 18, 2014 | 4:11 pm



    • CB Driver
      January 20, 2014 | 5:28 pm

      This is SO funny. I think you need to make a list of all of the countries in Central America and see what you’ve missed. If not, Jeruen will win at the last minute.

      New game coming soon, btw. :)

  10. Robert
    January 21, 2014 | 4:24 pm

    Hmm… Well I have been dodging Belize because I don’t recall you ever going there, but, I am so desperate to win over Jeruen that I’ll say anything now…

    Beli… No! Wait! I’m changing my mind…



    • CB Driver
      January 26, 2014 | 4:34 pm

      You won, then lost. WTF??

      Yeah, it’s Belize. But I can’t declare you the winner because you guessed too many times and you guessed it, but then changed it. That’s in the fine print, btw. :)

  11. Robert
    January 27, 2014 | 1:20 am

    Oh no… Lisa, pllleeeaaassse… let me win this one. Do you know how guilty you will feel and for how long? It will truly ease your mind to grant me the win.


    • CB Driver
      January 27, 2014 | 9:59 am

      Ha ha…you are so funny.

  12. northierthanthou
    April 30, 2015 | 5:04 pm

    That is REALY cool.
    northierthanthou recently posted..Sartre Was Right, But Hell Sometimes Has an Endearing QualityMy Profile

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