Balinese ‘Penjors,’ Bamboo/Palm Leaf Flags, Dancing in the Wind (Photo of the Day)

Trippy Travel Photo 31

Trippy Travel photo 31, of ‘penjors’ (special bamboo/palm leaf flags), was taken in Sanur, Bali, in Indonesia. They caught my eye because of their beauty and the way they were dancing in the wind, over the beach.

Made of long bamboo poles, decorated in coconut leaves, they are a symbol of gratitude in the Balinese Hinduism. (To learn more, see the end of the post.)

The person who won this round of the game successfully guessed after following these steps.

1. Look at the Photo/Study the Details

Trippy Travel Photo 31

2. Guess what it is and where I was when I took the photo. Check out the clues.

What are these and where was I when I took the photo?

Clue: Many of them exist.

Because this particular photo is an easy one to guess (at least, I think so), you’ll need to be specific re: what, why and where.

3. Check Back Later!

–Post your guesses here in the Comments Section (tweets and FB comments don’t count–sorry)

–Keep checking and guessing as the guessing gets good…

–See who won…maybe it will be you!

The Prize?

A mention of your name and a link to your site from within this post.

And the Winner Is…

Emma Chapman of Dillon’s Bungalows and Restaurant in Amed, Bali! I had the pleasure of meeting her last year when the gorgeous bungalows were under construction and was fortunate to eat a meal cooked by her husband. The food was divine!

Anyway, she guessed it because she lives in Bali and has seen many penjors over the years. Also, she visits Sanur Beach relatively often and has seen them there a lot.

The Answer: Penjors

The objects in the photo are penjors–long, curved bamboo poles decorated with coconut leaves and a holy offering placed at the base–which are used for important Balinese ceremonies. They represent the mountain as a symbol of the universe and more specifically Mount Agung, the highest and holiest mountain in Bali. 

They are typically used at Galungan time–when spirits of deceased relatives (who have been cremated) come to visit their former homes. Those currently  living in the home are supposed to offer them hospitality. They are often seen on the side of roads.

Penjors, however, are not just for religious purposes; they’re also seen elsewhere and used for other reasons. The ones in the photo, from what I recall, were being used at a wedding on the beach in Sanur. Sometimes they are utilized at hotels and shows, too, wherever there are guests to be honored.

Can’t get enough?

Like this game? Want to see the world from a unique angle? Enjoy learning about new places? Here are all of the Trippy Travel Photos–guesses and winners–all on one page. If you like photography in general, then check out my Photo of the Day feature. You’ll find cool photos from all over the world. Enjoy!

14 Responses to Balinese ‘Penjors,’ Bamboo/Palm Leaf Flags, Dancing in the Wind (Photo of the Day)
  1. Maria
    November 11, 2013 | 9:49 am

    Straw wrapper in a wheat field off the NJ Turnpike on the Northbound side because you were working community service this weekend for mouthing off to a cop Thursday night outside that bar. 😀
    Maria recently posted..Alice, Down the Rabbit HoleMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      November 11, 2013 | 9:49 pm

      Ha ha, Maria–good one!!

  2. Robert
    November 11, 2013 | 9:02 pm



    • CB Driver
      November 11, 2013 | 9:51 pm

      Where in Bali?

      Also, what are they? You’re not even 50% right at this point. #tryharderplease

  3. Robert
    November 11, 2013 | 10:21 pm

    Oh gee… I don’t know what they are called! They are skinny flags on big tall poles. Happy flags?

    There are three main places I have heard of in Bali – Denpasar, Kuta and Ubud.


    But I will pick Ubud, since it is a quieter place likely to be where you took photos.

  4. A
    November 12, 2013 | 11:02 pm

    Wedding flags on Bali?
    A recently posted..Egypt: In the steps of MosesMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      November 16, 2013 | 10:02 pm

      Hi, A. Great guess! They might be wedding flags or generic banners (possibly used to show business boundaries). Would you happen to know which are which?

      PS: I’m going to declare you the winner because I think you’re pretty darn close!

      PPS: I shot the photo in Sanur, Bali.

  5. Emma Chapman
    November 18, 2013 | 7:29 pm

    They are penjors, used at Galungan to give offerings to the spirits when they come to visit.

    • Emma Chapman
      November 18, 2013 | 8:24 pm

      I should say in,Bali.

      • CB Driver
        November 18, 2013 | 9:13 pm

        Congrats!! You are the official winner of this round of the game. Yay!! And that’s impressive because although it seemed simple enough, it turned out to be tricky. Glad to know exactly what these things are (vs thinking they were generic beach flags). Thanks so much!

        I’ll revise the post, change the name and list and link to you as the winner. :)

  6. Ella Ryan
    November 19, 2013 | 3:20 am

    Looks like decorations at the Tanabata Festival in Sendai, Japan! Amiright?!
    Ella Ryan recently posted..Coffee, SPAM and Shaved Ice – Hawaii Highlights Part 2My Profile

    • CB Driver
      November 30, 2013 | 5:53 pm

      Thanks for your guess, Ella! It’s a great one. Actually, the items in the photo are Indonesian ‘penjors.’

      New game coming soon!

  7. Jeruen
    November 19, 2013 | 1:57 pm

    Whoa, this already happened? 😀
    Jeruen recently posted..On Aging and Retirement: Part IIMy Profile

    • CB Driver
      November 30, 2013 | 5:52 pm

      Yeah, you did miss this one. The game wasn’t the same without you. :( New one coming soon! :)

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