Can’t believe I started Chicky Bus a year ago….amazing how time flies! I must say it’s been a great journey. Lots of work, but a pleasure nonetheless. Wild to think that the site (the design side, anyway) began with my creation of this collage (now the header background) from photos of my journeys from around the world.
Gratitude and Inspiration–Thank You!
I’m very happy with how the site has been doing and I appreciate everyone who visits and interacts with me here. You’re a unique and wonderful group of people and truly inspire me in so many ways. Thank you!
New Goal: Finishing My Book Next Week
Meanwhile–and this is really good news–due to all this wonderful interaction and inspiration, I’ve really been working diligently on my travel memoirs and getting closer and closer to realizing my dream of finishing them. My current goal–one I’m determined to achieve–is completion of the rough draft 1 week from today!! I’m saying it here, publicly, so that I really do it, too. (Separate post re: what the book’s about coming soon!)
Time to Celebrate!
So, it’s an anniversary and? birthday (C Bus was born on August 4, so he/she is a Leo, right?), a celebration of gratitude to fellow travelers, tweeters and other friends–and a reminder of my very important goal of completing my book. OK, now that the blogapalooza is over, we can move on to the 7 Link-O-Rama….
My 7 Links
My Most Controversial Post
Morals and Ethics of Travel Photography: When Shouldn’t You Take That Photo?
There are times when you shouldn’t take a photo, right? That was the point of this post–to really think about when it’s OK and when it’s not. I presented several situations, all of which I’ve been in (except one) and posed the question. The discussion got really intense and exciting (with some differing opinions and its own sort of controversy) and it was also super popular; it was chosen for many blog roundups and was syndicated by Blogher.
A Post Whose Success Surprised Me
Cold Feet Re: Travel–What’s It Really About
I thought I was going to go to Indonesia this past summer–I really did–but then I just couldn’t go ahead with it. Got some weird vibes and couldn’t tell if was a gut feeling or over-thinking. In this post, I shared my thoughts, concerns and confusion re: my own situation and got some great advice from many. And then, two weeks later, I revealed my “mystery location“–where I decided to go instead. Loved both posts as they were very ‘realtime’–ie, happening live.
Most Popular Post
6 Reasons I Took a Break From Blogging
When I took my recent trip to Ecuador and Panama, I really thought I was going to blog every week like I do at home. But fatigue and competing goals got in my way, not to mention the desire to be in the moment. Lots of people related, it seemed. (Note: in terms of popularity, this technically came second after the travel photography post.)
My Most Beautiful Post
The Beauty of San Blas
This photo essay, which features a 2.5 minute slideshow with 250 photos (set to music I made in GarageBand), takes you on my journey to one of the most beautiful places in Panama: the San Blas islands. It’s full of turquoise water, palm trees, trippy nature and yes, the mysterious indigenous Kuna themselves.
My Most Helpful Post
SWF in Syria: Tips for a Great Trip to the ‘Bad Boy’ Country
I thought these tips were really helpful, but sadly, Syria is a mess at the moment and travel is not advised. It it is my sincere hope that whatever happens, the outcome is positive–and that travelers can get back there soon. I hereby dedicate this post to that special country, which has a rich history and wonderful people whom I found to be warm, friendly and helpful.
If the interim, you can always go to Jordan and hang out with the Bedouins as I did. Here’s a photo essay plus tips. Or you can “hang out in Hopkins“; this post shares tips for grooving with the Garifuna indigenous of Belize via their music and culture.
The Post I’m Most Proud Of
Dialog in the Dark: Journey Into Blind Awareness
My face was half paralyzed (from Bell’s Palsy) when I wrote this and I was really scared that it might not go back to normal. Because my vision was blurred in one eye, I started to recall an amazing tour I took in Atlanta, GA, called “Dialog in the Dark”–in which participants are led into total darkness and experience street crossing, shopping and more. Via my temporary disability, I take you on that tour into the unseeing world–one where a blind man sheds light on that particular reality and culture.
A Post I Feel Didn’t Get The Attention It Deserved 
Cultural Clashes, Dramas & Dilemmas
This was a 2-part series with some fascinating situations that I’ve found myself in (except one). I thought this would take off–as the photo ethics post did–and it didn’t. Perhaps I should have made it into one post versus two. In any case, I really hope you’ll check it out. I believe it’s a great discussion just waiting to happen!
photo © 2006 daniel weaver | more info (via: Wylio)
Humorous Stuff
I didn’t include any of my humorous/quirky/offbeat posts on the 7 Links list, so I’ll do that here. These posts were a lot of fun….if you like to laugh, then check them out!
The Chicken Bus Workout: 5 Exercises for Backpackers
Middle Eastern Mannequins: A Secret, Surreal World
PPS (Packing Procrastination Syndrome): 7 Signs, Symptoms & Possible Solutions
Monterrico: Madness, Mischief and a Pissy Pelican
Tag, You’re It!
PS: I was tagged by some really great folks I know from Twitter–fantastic travelers, writers and people: Norbert @GloboTreks, Charu @Butterfly Diary and Sabina @Solo Female Traveler. I nominate Danielle @Jetsetting Lust for the next round of 7 Links.
Congrats on your 1-year anniversary. Mine is approaching soon
I’m glad you had such a great time in the San Blas Islands that it showed up on the list as your most beautiful post.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Campo in the City
Thanks so much, Stephanie–cool that yours is right around the corner, too! That means our blogs are growing up–LOL! San Blas was really beautiful and I’m so glad I went. Panama is a special country. Thanks for the advice you gave me when I was there. I ended up booking the tour I took through the hostel you mentioned (which I think someone else had told you about). Cool how that works!
Congratulations on your 1st Blogoversary! Goodness, but I thought you’d been at it a lot longer than that!
And on the brink of the 1st draft of your travel memoirs? Woa, that is a HUGE milestone – good for YOU! I can’t wait to read all about it.
Dyanne@TravelnLass recently posted..Cheapo Passport Photos
Dyanne–thank you so much!! Did you think the baby bus was a little older? Nice!
Yes–I’m on the brink with the book. Just rewriting one major section, redoing part of another and wrapping up two more stories. I can’t wait–although I know that some major editing will be happening next. All part of the process, of course. I truly hope that it gets published and is successful, etc. If so, I’d love to write a special note inside your copy since I feel like I know you (because of our cool chats and similar taste in locations) and because I appreciate all your support. You rock, TravelinLass!
Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!!! And super congrats on finishing your book. I’m SO impressed!!!
Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..Dominican Republic: Day 6
Thanks so much, Andi! It’s been a lot of work (blog and book and hard to juggle both). I hope I can make this deadline I’ve now set for myself–LOL. OK–back to work. Thanks, again!
Congrats on your blogoversary! It’s hard to believe you’ve only been doing this for one year. Here’s to many more….Good choice of links, btw.
Gray recently posted..Does the SlingSafe 200 Really Thwart Pickpockets?
Thank you, Gray–for your comment, your ongoing encouragement and many things! You’re one of the first travelers I met over on Twitter–someone who made me feel comfortable and welcome–which I’ve always appreciated. It’s a pleasure (cyber) knowing you!
Aww, back at you, Lisa!
Good luck on completing the rough draft of your memoir. And congratulations on your one year. High Five!
Kim Kircher recently posted..What makes some people’s dreams come true?
Hi, Kim…and welcome! Thank you so much for both–and High Five accepted and back atcha! Now must get my butt back to work–must meet my own deadline!
Congratulations on your 1 year blogoversary AND finishing your book! Looking forward to hearing more about your book and to following your future adventures

Globetrottergirls recently posted..Warning: Long-term travel may cause heart attacks…well, almost.
Thanks–really appreciate that! I may do a separate post on the book (what it’s about, which countries it covers, etc.)…soon…if/when I make that deadline! :Meanwhile, I’m glad we’re following each other–nice to have ‘met’ you on Twitter!
Congrats Lisa! It’s been great getting to know you and your writing over the past year!
Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures recently posted..Cheap Eats at Seattle’s Food Trucks
Thanks, Aaron! Nice getting to know you via your blog, too. So cool how we met on Twitter and now know each other in person. Gracias por todo!
Hey Lisa,
congratulations from Germany, too! I guess it takes a lot of discipline and patience to set up such a page and keep working on it, just don’t know where you take your time from! So here’s to many more stories and nice pics 😉
BTW: I liked your 7 links, good choice for new passengers on board!
Greetings from a rainy Berlin (lousy summer, don’t get here again too soon!), Uli
Hi, Uli–thanks for stopping by and for the well wishes. I appreciate it! It does take a lot of time, discipline and patience to keep a site going. Much more work than I thought. Unfortunately, some other things in my life have been neglected because of it. I’m hoping to get some more balance in my life soon. Of course, I may need to write about that since many of my travel buddies with blogs are having the same problem!
Anyway, I’m really glad you liked the 7 links and I hope the ‘new passengers’ like them, too!
Meanwhile, I’m sorry to hear about the rainy weather over in Berlin. What a shame!
Kudos Lisa! It’s been so wonderful to get to know you over the past few months. Your writing is a joy to read.
Charu recently posted..Travel Blogger Spotlight Series: A Moment with Jeff Titelius from “Euro Travelogue”
Thanks so much, Charu…awesome getting to know you, too! Thanks for that wonderful feedback–appreciate it!
Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!!
Thanks, Terri…!
Congratulations Lisa! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog the past few months. I cannot wait to read about more of your travels!
Sheryll recently posted..99 Days
Hi, Sheryll and thanks so much! Awesome to know that you’ve been reading along and look forward to more…it’s coming soon! More Panama and Ecuador and perhaps more of Jordan, etc. And some cool surprises thrown in for fun…
Great article and congratulations on a year of blogging. I can personally say I have enjoyed reading your blog.
Bob Crunch recently posted..Bluegreen Communities and Operation FINALLY HOME
Thanks so much, Bob….glad to hear that you’re reading–and enjoying–my blog!
Love your site, just stumbled on it today! Congratulations on a year of blogging-it really is a good feeling when you can look back and see where you started and how far you have come.
Claire recently posted..My 7 Links: I’m One of the Cool Kids Now
Hi, Claire–and welcome….glad you found it! And thanks for the congrats! I’m happy to have stuck with it and feel good about how things have gone. Thanks so much!
Congratulations on the b-day!! And the My 7 Links is such a cool way to celebrate – I’d read a couple of your links, but it’s great to get a hand-picked retrospective.
Hope the next year of blogging is even more rewarding!!
Red Nomad OZ recently posted..Return to Green Island – via Cairns, Far North Queensland
Hi there and thanks so much! Glad you stopped by and thanks for the well wishes! It’s been a great year and I’m looking forward to the next one. Have you done a 7 links post? If not, I can nominate you. If you have, feel free to post your link here. I’d love to check it out. Cheers!
Hi again! I SO enjoyed participating in My 7 Links – once I actually decided which links to use!! Here’s the URL for mine: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RedNomadOz/~3/zQNa3k-BkPg/my-7-links-reds-retrospective.html
Red Nomad OZ – Adventures in Australia recently posted..Return to Green Island – via Cairns, Far North Queensland
Hey…hi! Thanks for sharing that. I visited and checked them out. All terrific! I find myself really drawn to the one re: your friend who passed away. Made me think of two friends I used to have, both named Mike and complete opposites. One was a traveler, the other a homebody who respected travel but chose not to. Both were sweet. One definitely died (at around 40) and the other one, I’m 99% sure did. Have thought about writing about them. Your post made me think it’s a good idea. Thanks for all!
Congratulations on the anniversary Lisa, you already know you are one of my favourite sites, good to see it is just going from strength to strength. Also some posts I was not aware of and will have to return to later.
Iain Mallory recently posted..Cultural Aveyron; Enchanting Villages and Mystical Castles
Thanks, Iain–and ditto! Glad you came by and that you saw posts you weren’t aware of. Seems this (the 7 links project) was a really great idea!
whoaaa!!! has it been a year already… time flies so fast… 😉
my fave among the list is the blind awareness article…
wishing you more adventures Lisa

flipnomad recently posted..Deja Vu in Chiang Mai: 10 New Observations
HI, Flip, and yes–one year. Unreal how time has passed. So glad to hear that you really liked the post re: blind awareness. It was such a hard one to write, but it was extremely rewarding. Thanks for everything over the past year. You were one of the first few travel bloggers I met and interacted with via Twitter and it’s been great.
Happy travels to you, too!
I’ll definitely give some of these a read!
Thanks, Kelsey….awesome! PS: I’m loving Tumblr (was instantly addicted)…great following you there! I could stay on that all day. So much fun!
Yep, I’ve been on there for a couple years. My participation has been high because I have nothing to do until after labor day, when work starts again. I love Tumblr, and I wish more people used it.
Very cool. I wish more people used it, too. I think it’s a nice happy medium–somewhere between Twitter and wordpress if you know what I mean. I love the high-quality photography, art, etc. I see there. Great stuff!
Congratulations Lisa! Its fantastic to know everything is working very well for you. All the best in the future!
Thanks, Amer. Appreciate your stopping by and wishing me well!
Congrats on your one year anniversary! That’s a big milestone. Sometimes it feels like I’ve been blogging forever even though it’s only been a couple of months.
Nomadic Samuel recently posted..Working Overseas | Interview with Wandering Earl
Samuel–Thanks so much! I totally know what you mean, by the way, re: feeling like you’ve been blogging forever. That’s exactly how I feel. I’m enjoying it, but sometimes it’s so much work–you know? Anyway, thanks for stopping over…appreciate it!
I love the high-quality photography, art, etc. Thanks so much, Stephanie–cool that yours is right around the corner, too! I wish more people used it, too.