Every day, I read many great posts from the travel “blog-o-sphere.” Certain ones, however, really catch my eye.
Usually, it’s because they’re off the beaten path/quirky, intelligent/thought-provoking or simply really well-done (well-written, amazing photos, great tips, etc.). Or maybe they’re ‘sleeper posts,’ those yet to be recognized/appreciated.
These posts are what I call “triptastic”–fantastic from a traveler’s perspective. They deserve more than a mere “tweet” or basic comment. They’re meant to receive some extra praise and to be shared with others.
Note: Although my favorite pick is at the top of the list, the others are in a random order and not intended to be a ranking.
My “Triptastic” Picks
Wolf’s Lair: Hitler’s Bunker in Poland (my #1 pick)
If you’re interested in WWII and Hitler at all and/or you like to travel off the beaten path, then you have got to check this out. Norbert takes you on an unforgettable trip through the Mazurian forest and into “Wolfsschanze,” aka, Hitler’s bunker. If I return to Poland, I am so there! Read it and be transported back in time and history…
On the Road to Kampot – Cambodia and the Value of Life
Sabina had just arrived in Cambodia and was in a taxi when her driver hit and killed a dog. It got her thinking about how Cambodians view safety, as well as life and death. This post is well-written; it puts you in the moment and makes you think. It’s also unsettling. But that’s why it works so well.
Squatting in Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Imagine staying on a gorgeous beach…for free? Just having to buy food/ drinks from the locals? That’s exactly what the Roamantics got to do at the “Chaimoy Love Shack,” where locals set up temporary accommodation for ‘backpacker squatting.’ Join them for a few idyllic days on the beach.
My Twitter Love Story
People meet online and get involved all the time…but how about two travelers meeting on Twitter, getting to know each other and then meeting in person? Ali and Andy did this, met in Germany and now they’re in love! This is a wonderful story. Really sweet. Or is it…really tweet? I really <3 this story and think you will, too!
“We’re Getting Married Tomorrow…at a (Thai) Buddhist Temple.” (sleeper post)
Imagine if your parents turned to you, an adult, and said this. Well, that’s exactly what happened to Aaron of Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures. In the post, you’ll read the story, see some great pics and even watch some video. A unique post that definitely caught my eye!
Responsibly Irresponsible
This is the kind of post that makes you long for an adventure or ex-pat life or something big. At least, that’s how it affected me. I like Gillian’s planning and plotting for the move before the big move. Warning: If you read this, you might start planning/plotting, too!
Would You Buy a $500 Turkey? Have You Met Andres?
I once lived in Ecuador, a developing country that many travelers say is “cheap.” But that’s not reality for everyone and if you read Ayngelina’s post, you’ll see why and be humbled after you read her story about her powerful learning experience with Andres, who showed her the reality of Ecuadorian economics and more.
How to Swim in Antarctica
I don’t like the cold and frigid water sends a chill up my spine. Well, obviously, this is not an issue for Brendan who jumped right in when he was in…Antarctica. Brave man, isn’t he? Shackleton would be impressed! Check out the video for a vicarious thrill…and chill!
When to Bribe, How to Bribe, Do You Bribe
I’ve always wondered about this and now, I know what I’ll need to do if I’m ever in a…um…situation. I love how Todd breaks this down into the “shakedown,” the “negotiation” and “the deal”. A real system and one that’s truly useful!
Why Everyone Shouldn’t Like You
I get tired of seeing people play it safe and people please too much. So I totally agree with Nick, the traveler who wrote this one. He begins the post with, “If no one has a problem with you or what you believe, then you’re probably not pushing yourself enough” and continues from there. If you’re a nonconformist (like many of us travelers are), then you ought to check this one out!
How Many Picks? How Often?
While many people run their picks once a week or biweekly, I’m going to do this approximately every 3 weeks or so–when I’ve found just enough and the right ones (not all will be brand new). It’ll usually be close to the end of the month and cover the previous 30 days. Some will be new, others ‘fresh’ and some a little older.
I’ve changed my mind about this many times, but it looks like it’ll be the Triptastic 10. (Thanks to Aaron of Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures for suggesting it!) In order for this to happen, though, I’ll need help–your help–for the next list.
Help Me with the Next List
I’ll chose half of the Picks on my own and hopefully, the other half, with your help. I’m sure there are posts you’re reading (or that you’ve written) that I don’t get to see.
Want to be considered or know of a post that that you’d like to recommend? Please do the following:
- Recommend yourself or someone else over on my Facebook page*
- Follow the format I used above (the name of the post, a link and a 2-sentence description)
- Include posts between these (approximate) dates: Jan. 21st and Feb. 15th
*Note: Submissions must be made on Facebook to be considered. Feel free to also post here in the Comment section. Thank you!
Thanks for the shout-out, Lisa. I’m glad my tale of horror is appreciated. Seriously. I just hope to never have another one.
You’re welcome, Sabina! You know–your post stayed with me for a few days…like a movie that you can’t forget. Great job on it…but yeah, let’s hope that you don’t have to go through that again. Sounds like too much…
Thanks for including me, it was a really special post to me and it’s nice to see others liked it too.
ayngelina recently posted..The 10 little things that mean so much to me
You’re welcome, Ayngelina. So many travelers don’t get it and if they read your post, they might. And that could potentially make them better travelers!
Thanks for including me. I’m sure due to my post that I will fulfill some of what Nick is talking about

Todd | Todd’sWanderings recently posted..The First Time I Almost Died-Ha Long Bay- Vietnam
You’re welcome, Todd…and that’s pretty funny re: Nick’s post. Well, then….birds of a feather flock together!
Thanks for including me, I’m among some awesome people. I’ve read several of these posts but now I have some more to check out.
You’re welcome, Nick! Glad you’ll be checking out the others, too. Definitely an awesome group!
Always fun to see a list like this. Great way to find new blogs. But thought I’d let you know that the ‘swim in Antarctica’ link is broken.
Jill – Jack and Jill Travel The World recently posted..11 Reasons We’re Going on A RTW Trip
Yikes and thanks, Jill! Glad you let me know. I just went ahead and fixed the bad link (dang those 404 errors!). Happy you liked the list and that it helped you discover some new blogs. Cool!
Wow! Thank you so much for liking and including my Wolf’s Lair post in your Triptastic picks! I really enjoyed, on so many levels, visiting that eerie place and looking back at WWII history from a different point of view. That is a place I recommend to everyone who visits Poland should go. Plus, it’s a good off the beaten path trip.
Love your picks!… There are a few new blogs I didn’t know about that have caught my attention. Thanks for sharing them!
Norbert recently posted..Wolf’s Lair- Hitler’s Bunker in Poland
You’re welcome, Norbert! To me, your post is what it’s all about…going off the beaten path and being in the moment. And learning/experiencing the past at the same time. That’s my kind of travel. I would go to the Lair in a minute–even if it took 7 hours to get there.
You put this together quickly, Lisa! You must have had some posts already in mind. I love the name and quite a few blogs I didn’t know about in this list.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler recently posted..Devils Punch Bowl – Cedar Creek Falls 5
Hi, Christy! I’d been accumulating links over the past few weeks and pasting them into a word doc; then last night, I was inspired! It did take some time, though, to choose the right 10 and to write the descriptions, etc. (I sometimes wish I weren’t such a perfectionist, you know?)
I’m really glad you like the name and that the list introduced you to some new blogs. Awesome and thanks!
Thanks for including me Lisa. I find it’s posts like Responsibly Irresponsible that resonate with people. I kind of thought that I wasn’t the only person feeling this way and the comments show that many are also plotting and scheming even after returning home! A great list of posts to catch up on. Cheers!
You’re welcome, Gillian! The post definitely resonated with a lot of people, including me. Nice to be plotting/scheming….it’s very exciting, I think! And I’m glad you like the list…
Thanks so much for including me Lisa! Definitely some great looking posts on here that I totally missed!
And thanks for the shout out with the name help! It certainly has a nice ring to it! 😉
Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures recently posted..Finding a Local Community in CouchSurfing
You’re welcome, Aaron. It’s not everyday that one’s parents decide to get married in such a cool way and in such a cool place. This is definitely a sleeper post that I’m sure others are going to be discovering now! You’re welcome re: the shout-out. Credit is deserved! Meanwhile….glad this helped you see some of the posts you missed recently. Cool!
Was a big fan of Norberts bunker post already (we traded Hitler’s bunker stories ;)), great to see it getting more recognition. And thanks for bringing the rest of the articles to light, some I had not seen. Highlight for me was Todd’s mask and snorkel line – inspired!
Laurence recently posted..Photography tips – An SLR primer
Hi, Laurence. Great to hear that! Have you been to the bunker in Berlin? When I was there, people weren’t allowed in. In fact, it wasn’t all that clear where it was. There was a sandbox over it in a children’s playground, believe it or not. That was 10 years ago. I hear that they now allow visitors, but I’m not sure.
Yes, Todd’s line was great!
Hi Lisa! No, I haven’t been to the Berlin bunker, on my three day trip round Berlin I somehow didn’t get round to it. The one I visited was one of his 14 other German bunkers, located in the hills about 80km from Cologne. It was pretty isolated and hardly visited, certainly not a tourist attraction, in fact you needed to visit with someone who knew where it was, or be a keen bunker hunter 😉 (i fall into the former category!)
Laurence recently posted..Travel blogging tips from the experts- yTravelBlog
Well, at least you got to see a bunker…and that’s cool. Funny re: ‘bunker hunters’! If I go back to German and/or Poland, I may be one of them!
I was very pleased to see that I had read all but one before coming to your page. It’s good to give these great writers as much exposure as possible.
inka recently posted..Syros – a very different Greek island
That’s really nice to know, Inka. I think I chose well! And in a few weeks, there will be a new list, which I will half find on my own and half ask for help with. If you’d like to suggest someone (or yourself), feel free to submit a link to a recent post (with a short description) on my FB page. Thanks for stopping by and commenting…I appreciate it!
I read most of these posts this week and agree, they were all awesome. I loved the Hitler’s Bunker post by Globotreks and new blog for us and now we will definitely be regulars. I didn’t even know this place existed in Poland and found the post fascinating.
Hi, Dave/Deb…glad to hear it! I agree-Norbert’s post re: Hitler’s HQ/bunker was fascinating. Hopefully, more will check it out in the future. If I ever return to Poland, I’m going! I’m definitely going to be be a regular reader of GloboTreks now, too. Thank you for the feedback and your visit!
Great picks!! I’m making my way through each one of them now. Can’t wait to see what else you choose.
Thanks, Kim! Hope to showcase some more in about 2 weeks or so and with some help from others (as far as what I read/choose from). When the time comes, I’ll announce how people can submit their posts (or those of others) to be considered via my FB page. Will let you know when the time comes.
thanks so much for including me Lisa! a bright spot in a tough time for sure. nice that it’s for this post too- memories of happier times
honored to be here and among such great peeps. i’ve been unplugged for a bit and am grateful for such a great list of posts to catch up on. and triptastic 10?! awesome name 

Lorna – the roamantics recently posted..And Then There Was One
You’re welcome, Lorna. Glad this was a bright spot during a tough moment. I loved your post and how you didn’t hesitate to take advantage of such a cool opportunity. That’s definitely ‘triptastic.’
Looked great. I’m happy you like the list of posts, too. Happy that you’re back….
these are great selections, i will be looking forward to their posts
Thanks, Zablon. More coming in a couple weeks!
I think you’re onto something doing a round up every 3 or so weeks. This is an Excellent collection! Some of these I have read and others are brand new to me and sound fantastic. I love your write ups about them.
bethany recently posted..The Eiffel Tower in HDR- Paris- France – Somewhere In Time Weekly Travel Photo
Thanks so much, Bethany! I wasn’t sure I could do it every week and once a month didn’t seem like enough. Glad you like the way I’ve set it up…cool! Also, I’m happy that you like the list and the write-ups. Great group of bloggers here whose work I’m happy to have read and wanted to share. Thank you for stopping by!
Oooh, thanks for mentioning me! There are certainly some great articles there on your list!
You’re very welcome, Brendan. Anyone who could jump into such frigid water is ‘triptastic’ in my book!
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