Tag Archive: water

Sunrise Over Niagara Falls (Photo of the Day) & 5 Facts

Sunrise Over Niagara Falls

This photo–of the sun rising over Niagara Falls–is one of which I’m proud. Sure, it’s pretty, but the fact that I woke up early enough to catch it (before 6 a.m.) is a big deal. Seriously? The falls themselves are pretty darn impressive… I was just lucky enough to wake up in time to enjoy…

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Trippy Travel Photo #16: McKenzie River Rainbow, Oregon

Trippy Travel Photo 16

In this round of Trippy Travel Photo, the image was identified as a rainbow in Oregon somewhere in the Cascade Mountain Range. More specifically, it’s a photo of the McKenzie River, near the Cougar (Terwilliger) Hot Springs–a lovely spot not far from Eugene. To arrive at this answer, the contestants followed these steps: 1. Look…

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Monterrico: Madness, Mischief and a Pissy Pelican (video tale & tips)

Up close and personal with Pancho

Manic mosquitos. Trippy turtles. A psychotic yogini and a violent storm. Wet Birkenstocks. Deadly waves slamming down on black sand. And of course, Pancho, the Pelican, who can still fuel nightmares if I’m not careful.

Ah yes, memories…of a mere 24 hours in Monterrico, Guatemala. Do they light the corner of my mind? Most certainly.

Wondering what the hell happened there, are you? Well, let’s pretend we’re at a hostel or in a bar having a drink and sharing travel tales. Tag–I’m it.

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Fall Into the Moment…

Gorge--Blue vs Gold

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

—John Muir

The Zen of Autumn There’s a place I go, which is not thousands of miles away, where the past, present and future become a timeless sort of moment—where ‘nature reigns supreme’ and it’s easy to stop thinking and doing and to start…simply…being.

I’m not sure if the magic comes from what I see…the vibrant gold, orange and crimson colored leaves falling, like feathers, from the trees, to their new home: the earth and the nearby water, which feeds into a nearby river.

Or maybe it’s certain leaves, some still green, remaining on their branches as long as they can, waiting for their moment…to fall.

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Earth, Wind, Fire, Water…and Sand

nature collage 2010

Nature is one of the best places to find yourself…at home or abroad. It’s peaceful and it’s beautiful.

And it’s definitely where I find it easiest to get in touch with myself, to relax and experience healing if that’s what I need.

When I created this unique photo, I thought about the various types of nature–earth…wind…fire…water…and sand–and what each represents to me and what I feel when I’m there.

Earth is is stabilizing solidity…
Wind is freeing movement…
Fire is contagious passion…
Water is flowing healing…
Sand is smooth awareness…

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