Tag Archive: Quito

Quirky Quito: 8 Ways It’s Changed Since the Mid-90s


I lived in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, 15 years ago and recently had the chance to visit it again for the first time in 13 years (I did visit it a couple years after I left). Of course, the first thing I noticed was that the city has changed. A lot. The second thing…

My 2011 Summer Trip: Decision/Mystery Location Revealed

For about a month or so, I was strongly considering a trip to Indonesia this summer. It had been on Top 5 list for a while and a friend of mine was possibly going to join me. After a trial run and settling on separate travel initially plus meeting up in Bali later, she decided (for health/financial reasons) not to take the trip.

I still wanted/planned to go, however. I even made contact with an English teacher in Sumatra and was possibly going to stay with her and volunteer teach and then travel around, ending the trip in Bali. It sounded just right…

Decision Followed by Hesitation…

photo © 2011 Glenn Carter | more info (via: Wylio)

But every time I went to hit the ‘purchase ticket’ button, I hesitated. I began to wonder if it was fear (of earthquakes since the Japan situation shook me up) or something else.

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