Tag Archive: people

Meet El Caribeño, the Coolest Dude in #Colombia #ttot #tbex #Caribbean

Imagine living on a Caribbean beach, complete with white sand and turquoise water… Your job: running a small bar that serves food (from local restaurants). In between serving drinks, you chill out with the customers and, during/after a gorgeous sunset (which occurs pretty much every night), you dance in the sand. Meet ‘El Caribeño,’ a man who’s…

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2 Colombian Cowboys…6 Bottles of Beer (Photo of the Day)

Salento cowboys

Salento, a town in Colombia’s coffee country, is frozen in time. They even have a sign that says so. And as you can see, it has its share of characters–cowboys included. Here are two I spotted sitting at a bar in the town plaza. I loved the looks on their faces and, of course, the…

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Watermelon Vendor Cooling Off in Front of Cafe, Cartagena, Colombia (Photo of the Day)

Watermelon vendor, Cartegena

I saw this watermelon vendor, sitting  in front of Café Havana on Calle Media Luna in Cartagena, several times day while there recently. Both he and his watermelon looked sweet, and I looked forward to buying some and getting to know him. He was only there during the day, when the cafe was closed. He…

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Sweet Jamaican Vendor Holding Her Basket of Coconut Goodies (Photo of the Day)

coconut drop vendor

My Jamaican minibus–from Black River to Billy’s Bay in Treasure Beach–was running late yesterday and I was in the mood for a snack. So I was glad when this particular vendor stopped by to offer me some of the goodies in her basket. She had regular cookies, which she said were made of coconut, and…

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Kuna Woman in Traditional Clothes Holding Bird in San Blas, Panama (Photo of the Day)

Kuna Woman in Traditional Clothing Holding Bird (San Blas, Panama)

This photo is of a Kuna Yala woman, a resident of Carti Island, in traditional clothing. The colorful part right above her skirt is a mola, which means ‘shirt’ or ‘clothing’ in Dulegaya, the language spoken by the Kuna. The ring in the woman’s nose is called an olasu. The arm beads are known as…

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Indigenous Ecuadorian Woman Chatting on Cellphone at Market (Photo of the Day)

Indigenous Ecuadorian Woman at Market Near Cuenca

Today’s photo of an indigenous Ecuadorian woman was taken at a market somewhere near Cuenca. I think I shot it at Gualaceo, but it might have been at Chordeleg. I visited both that particular day. What Inspired the Shot? I love taking photos of people and I liked the expression on this woman’s face; she…

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Yogyakarta Arts Festival Parade 2012: a Colorful Cultural Experience (photo/video essay)

Yogyakarta Parade Participant

Got a minute (OK–1.5 minutes!)? Then, check out this video I made of a parade at the Yogyakarta Arts Festival–aka, Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta–which I recently saw in Indonesia. I created it so that you’d have a quick vicarious sampling of the colorful cultural experience I had. Note: My favorite part is at 0:30–the jesters! (Video…

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San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua—the People, the Town and the Sunset (a photo essay)

Nicaraguan Boys

There are so many photo opps in San Juan del Sur (SJDS), Nicaragua, that it’s hard to sit still and just relax. A tranquil fishing village, it’s known for its sunsets–and for good reason. They’re incredible. And the beach is lovely, of course. But there’s more to SJDS than that. The town, which has a…

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Amantina’s Dominican Kitchen—Where Love Is the Main Ingredient

Ona--Haitian woman and fantastic cook

After a couple of long days of travel on my recent trip to the Dominican Republic, I wasn’t feeling well, thanks to a stomach virus. When I arrived in Los Patos, a small town in the southwestern corner of the country, I had no appetite, yet I knew I was hungry. The question was—what could…

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Haitian Border and Market (a photo/video essay)


On my recent trip to the Dominican Republic, I visited the Haitian border and its market, Mercado Fronterizo, in a town called Perdernales. While there, I saw people crossing the border and selling a variety of items, from food to toys and even old shoes. The UN also passed through at one point. The Haitian…

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