Tag Archive: NJ

The Dominican Papaya Milkshake Scam—and How to Avoid It

Me enjoying papaya shake

I haven’t been feeling well lately, and it’s not just because I’m back in New Jersey’s crappy cold weather after enjoying wonderful 80-degree weather in the Dominican Republic. There’s something far more serious going on with me. See, while I was away, I became addicted to the DR’s truly perfect papaya milkshakes, known as “batida…

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Fall Into the Moment…

Gorge--Blue vs Gold

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

—John Muir

The Zen of Autumn There’s a place I go, which is not thousands of miles away, where the past, present and future become a timeless sort of moment—where ‘nature reigns supreme’ and it’s easy to stop thinking and doing and to start…simply…being.

I’m not sure if the magic comes from what I see…the vibrant gold, orange and crimson colored leaves falling, like feathers, from the trees, to their new home: the earth and the nearby water, which feeds into a nearby river.

Or maybe it’s certain leaves, some still green, remaining on their branches as long as they can, waiting for their moment…to fall.

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