Tag Archive: Jordan

Trippy Travel Photo #23: Nearly-Nude Woman Fresco—Qasr Amra Desert Castle, Jordan


This photo is of a fresco of a nearly-nude woman painted on the wall inside Qasr Castle–aka, Qusayr Amra–in Jordan. The castle was built somewhere between 711 and 715 AD by Umayad Caliph Walid I. I had the opportunity to see this when I went on a tour of Jordan’s Eastern desert castles. Those who…

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The Treasury—Petra, Jordan (Photo of the Day)

Petra Treasury Photo

Today’s photo is of the ancient/lost city of Petra—specifically, the Treasury, aka, Al Khazhneh. Even if you haven’t been to see it in Jordan, chances are you recognized the unique rust/peach-colored sandstone structure pretty quickly. It’s appeared in quite a few Hollywood movies and is famous for its use in the film Indiana Jones and the…

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Coming Back to Life at the Dead Sea

Me in mud

Last summer, when I traveled to the Middle East, I was not in the best frame of mind. After several stressful months, I seriously needed to relax—and to let go of some things that were bothering me. I hoped that traveling would help in some way. Sure enough, it did. And it was the Dead…

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A Guest of the Bedouins–Tips and Pics

Atayak's brother

“Want to help me find my camels?”

I was in Jordan—one of several Middle Eastern countries I visited this past summer—traveling on my own and loving it, but facing a few challenges due to the fact that it was the end of high season. While it’s nice to visit places that aren’t overrun with tourists, the down side is that you’re not always able to jump in on other travelers’ tours or to share transportation costs. There just aren’t that many options.

But as luck would have it, things just sort of fell into place—as they often do when I’m traveling. I was on the verge of committing to an expensive couple of days (I was going to experience Wadi Rum no matter what) when something wonderful happened…

One of the Bedouin guides I’d been talking, a man named Atayak, decided to invite me as his guest.

“I’m finished working for the season and I’m now officially on vacation. I just need to get back out into the desert and find my camels that I left there. Want to join me?” he asked. I would only need to pay for food, he said. He’s a camel racer, by the way.

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Earth, Wind, Fire, Water…and Sand

nature collage 2010

Nature is one of the best places to find yourself…at home or abroad. It’s peaceful and it’s beautiful.

And it’s definitely where I find it easiest to get in touch with myself, to relax and experience healing if that’s what I need.

When I created this unique photo, I thought about the various types of nature–earth…wind…fire…water…and sand–and what each represents to me and what I feel when I’m there.

Earth is is stabilizing solidity…
Wind is freeing movement…
Fire is contagious passion…
Water is flowing healing…
Sand is smooth awareness…

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