These soldiers, guarding the presidential palace (his official home and workplace) in Bogotá, looked intense (as they tend to do no matter where in the world you encounter them). And I enjoyed watching them stand guard. I like how official they look.
Also, it’s always nice to see where el presidente lives.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see the ‘changing of the guard.’ I love that sort of thing–especially the one in Washington, DC.
How about you?
Do you usually visit these well-guarded palaces, etc. when you travel? Do you like to see where the top government official or officials live? Or do you tend to gravitate toward something else, like museums? Or do you do it all?
And have you seen the ‘changing of the guard’ anywhere? If so, where? What did you think?
By the way…
Here’s another photo of the guards–through the gate. You didn’t think I got that close to the front door, now did you?